Don’t Force, Evolve and Flow.

The world needs you at your best right now, we are called to evolve and embody our highest potentials. We are in the cycle of the great cleansing, calling in our Destiny. How will you help write our human story?

The choice is yours.


Portugal, May 15 - 19, 2025

Welcome to the Evolve Leader Circle

A transformative 2-Month Program specifically designed to upscale individuals in leadership positions, co-creating clarity and empowerment at the deepest layers of your being. Elevating your personal and professional journey, fostering essential growth and insight. Inviting you to embrace this journey of transformation, where leadership is not just a role, but a conscious way of BE-ing.

This Program will empower you to lead with purpose, align with your true nature's wisdom, and unlock your highest potential. Let’s redefine leadership for a new era—one where every decision and action is in harmony with the greater good.

  • Upon acceptance of your application your journey begins.

    Please note that not every application gets accepted as we have a very limited 10 to 16 spaces per intake, so please take the time to craft your application.

    The whole process takes 2 months including the intake and integration.

  • Once accepted and place secured, you will receive an detailed questionnaire plus an invitation to conduct your life essay. This will guide you into much deeper contact with your personal life story, the factors that shaped your upbringing, and the programming and conditioning you received growing up.

    From the moment you accept your spot, the morphogenetic field of the Evolve Leader Journey begins working on you straight away. Do not be surprised if life presents you with tests and internal triggers as the initiation brings to the surface things that you have been deeply burying over the years.

    Just know that the program begins from the moment you say yes!

  • The Circle itself will last over four days with us, with one day extra on your own contemplating and integrating before you return home. The program itself is in retreat format where we are altogether very focused on deep transformational work. We do not give any details itself yet, this is for participants only and you will be fully briefed before you come to the beginning of the Circle. This Retreat takes place in Portugal May 15-19th 2025.

  • Integration is all about embodying the changes in your real-world life. The depth of healing allows you to have a fresh start in life. So you can formulate new perceptions and beliefs about the world and people around you. Without the lens of the wounding that has clouded your perceptions and abilities to move past the self limiting blocks and barriers you have created up until this point.

  • Facilitator

    Mikhaël is a Transformational Leader, Energetic Medicine Practitioner, Healer, Chinese Energetic Medicine and Medical Qi Gong Practitioner and Channel. He has learned from a synthesis of Eastern and Western mystery traditions based on ancient principles of esoteric mysticism and Alchemy. He is also active as Innovation and Business Ethics Consultant, Guide and Lecturer at the Executive Branch of Maastricht University’s School of Business & Economics. Helping to facilitate a shift in human consciousness.

  • Facilitator

    Natasha has a diverse background that spans across multiple disciplines. She began her career in the music and events industry, starting at Radio 1, and then moved on to work at IPG where she led business development. Natasha collaborated closely with corporate companies, helping them develop and implement their tech, talent and AI strategies.

    However, a period of intense personal challenge, including an autoimmune diagnosis and burnout, prompted Natasha to re-evaluate her purpose and core values. This introspection led her to pursue training in somatic therapy and sound healing, reflecting a significant shift towards wellness and holistic practices.

    Natasha aims to share the transformative practices that aided her own recovery with others. She focuses on addressing stress, hormone imbalance, and emotional tension through trauma informed somatic and sound therapy. Her mission is to help individuals create balance in their bodies, enabling them to live their purpose and reconnect with their true selves.

  • Facilitator

    Always in awe of Nature, an experienced climate & energy researcher and consultant, Camille has a background in energy commodities, played a key role in managing energy systems and modelling long term net zero decarbonisation pathways for Europe. Disillusioned by the sectors approach to change, Camille left this path and returned to her passions and roots, identifying a missing link: the intrinsic relationship between humans and nature.

    In her business she supports women to heal from chronic stress through integrative health, somatic release & natures wisdom. Camille bridges these two worlds through regenerative well-being and self leadership, grounded in the belief that you cannot heal the planet before you heal yourself.

  • "Before we can speak of important things that determine the cause of our future, shouldn’t it be custom to purify our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits of conflicting and disruptive elements?”

Let’s Unlearn.

The first experience that a soul undergoes is the perception of separation from Spirit or Source. It starts at birth and it’s the original soul trauma any soul may encounter from the experience of incarnation. At this point the soul may feel lost. The soul perceives itself to be on its own as the soul is no longer surrounded by the abundant flow of the Primordial Source.

This concept is reflected in the story of separation which is sown deep into the very fabric of our society’s socio-economic and political models and the scientific-philosophy of rationalism that underpins them. 

It stems from Neo-Darwinian logic which sees relationships as self-maximising power-plays, where one benefits only at the expense of the other, which pits us against Nature setting us up for an evolutionary cul-de-sac of selfish ascendance.

Thankfully we’re rapidly seeing the emergence of Quantum Physics which aligns exactly with indigenous oral wisdom and Ancient knowledge, to help us, the collective family, remember universal Truth and the laws of Nature.

This sets the stage for a world where our interrelations within this Sacredness allow us to swim the seas of synchronicity – whether local or global, community or business, for-profit or non-profit – where small steps of change resonate with love and devotion; where we each take responsibility for the quality of our attention and intention.

Rebirth out of Chaos.

I learned from personal experience that only with a pure heart we can access Truth, true connection with Humanity, all sentient life, the Earth Mother, and the Universe with its billions of galaxies with billions of stars and billions of planets in each, and without doubt billions of life forms. Here on Earth, we speak of economical problems, sociological problems, physiological problems. While the deeper remedy must be found for the inner cause of the dis-eased body and mind. At the deeper level we must also consider, not only ourselves, we must consider our families, our children, our unborn generations, our planet and all the beings we share it with us, as well as the star nation beings throughout the cosmos. And in my view a healthy global society, starts with yourself by taking responsibility for your personal purification and wellbeing. If you are feeling stuck or curious about the pattern and design of your own personal life. It’s time to explore the concept of conditioning and akarma. Each lifetime carries unique lessons and experiences which can shape our path. By reflecting on these past life experiences we open the door to deeper inner standing and healing. Integrating the wisdom of your Soul’s journey with the polarities of your past lives.

Business consulting, coaching and Leadership comes with a level responsibility where you are positioned to influence the destiny of your client’s organization.

"Before we can speak of important things that determine the cause of our future, shouldn’t it be custom to purify our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits of conflicting and disruptive elements?”

Today there’s much talk about “reinvention” and “transformation” when we speak about cultural and societal reorganisation. Often discussed through the lens of popular themes such as Artificial Intelligence, climate change, gender issues to name some themes. It’s generally with intend to discuss progress, in relation to creating a better future. The common denominator to these subjects is that we all share life so we can speak of these things together. But my question to you is how pure is your heart and how clear is your mind? Because before we can speak of important things that determine the cause of our future, shouldn’t it be custom to purify our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits of conflicting and disruptive elements?

  • A big picture briefing about what is happening in the world and how things are unfolding as we move through these incredible accelerated times. Tapping into the Intelligence of the Heart is key as we are moving towards a new type of leadership.

  • Energetic embodiment is a process where we form a deep, open connection with our inner being. For many, it takes dedication, focus, and virtuous living to be able to access our true nature and gifts on this physical plane. The process starts by developing a more profound sense of self-acceptance and self-love. To develop this connection, we purify the mind, all the outdated belief systems. The clearing and purification process removes limitations and enables us to embody the nature of True Self.

  • Leading with authenticity, compassion, and a sense of higher purpose. Fostering a sense of community and connection within your workplace. Building relationships and creating opportunities for collaboration and teamwork. Creating a sense of belonging and shared purpose, inspiring greater engagement and commitment from your team.

  • Mindset to shift towards sustainable methods for nurturing whole, healthy, life-giving businesses.

Learn the reality of life and learn who you truly are.


The Evolve Program is structured with hybrid online and live circles. We will provide online circles and live group sessions at the Retreat where we will address the deeper emotional and energetic processing and personal energetic clearings will take place, led by your facilitators. Each facilitator is highly skilled and embodied the work they facilitate, and they’re able to safely and confidently take you deeper into the Root of the Core issue. This will allow you to break free of past conditioning and open you to a whole new level of life. The Online circles give you a deeper context into various themes around leadership, and then open the field for sharing and answering any questions you may have.

The Retreat Circle itself will last over four days with us, with one day extra on your own contemplating and integrating before you return home. The program itself is in retreat format where we are altogether very focused on deep transformational work. This Retreat takes place in Portugal May 15-19th 2025.

This Transformational Program & Retreat Includes

  • Online summits and circles

  • A place in the morphogenetic energy container

  • Vegetarian-based meals are included at the retreat centre

  • One-day preparation and orientation at the retreat centre

  • Private one-on-one interview and full energetic scan

  • 3-night stay at the retreat space

  • Healing and sharing circles

  • Integration and processing circles

  • 12 spaces available