While we develop balance and resilience through our own daily spiritual practices, we create space to cultivate our conscious virtuous qualities. The central focus of this transmission is the embodiment of divine grace in our lives. It encourages us to connect deeply with our inherent noble qualities in order to foster empathy, kindness, and compassion within ourselves. Simultaneously, it invites us to be open and receptive, allowing us to empathize with the struggles and suffering that individuals around us may endure, thereby enriching our collective human experience.
Prasàda (divine grace)
In this 15-minute transmission we purify and alchemize blockages, such as conditioning and imprints around dishonour, pride and overwhelm and we balance the bio-energy field. Grace is a virtuous quality which we carry within our energy field and is rooted in deep honour and reverence for ALL life. Regardless of background, beliefs, or circumstances.
The list below sums up everything that deserves our gratitude:
Grace of Heaven and Earth: the air, ground, sun, moon, wind, clouds and rain.
Grace of Parents: those who raise, protect, and educate us.
Grace of Fellow Beings: all beings, including animals and plants.
Grace of Natural Law: bringing harmony and justice to individuals, families, societies, nations, the world and universe.
“Let us turn a life of resentment into a life of gratitude.”
The crystal that supports you in clearing dishonour and to embody grace is Sapphire.

Blueprint Alignment is designed to elevate different core areas of your life. Depending on your unique blueprint and intentions, we will specifically tailor your sessions using the most effective tools for your empowerment and growth.