Akashic Encoded Healing Art

Materialized by Azava

“Out of the unknown, creation takes place. From a place of presence, I become a channel for the non-material to come into this existence. Through knowing and feeling. These creations are not bound to any concepts. They are beyond the mind. Only to be perceived from a deeper place within.”

— Azava

Surround yourself by high frequency art to greatly enhance beauty, stability and harmony in your home and to expand awareness in your energetic field. These art creations are a form of light language, each with an individual coding to serve as a medicine for the holder. Everything that surrounds us functions on a deeper multidimensional level. Everything is constantly interacting with everything continuously. Through these pieces of art, cells in your body can restructure themselves and be healed, so that the energy balance can naturally recover. Also they can activate dormant memory in your cells and soul for a greater embodiment of who you truly are.

Channeled from the field. Materialized by Azava. You are invited to be in the presence of the art creation of your resonance and observe what it does to you. Frequencies have a general quality, but because we have all a unique —energetic make up— form we can receive and perceive frequencies in different ways. These art creations are therefore personal medicines. Azava offers with Mikhael also extra encodements for your personal intentions.

Through time these art creations change. They are becoming more and more complex. The process of creating is a feminine way of creation. Fluid with no structures and lots of water involved which interacts with the paper. Materials used are a mix of mostly aqua colour pencils, PITT artist pens and aquarelle metallic and interference colours. Because of their complexity in multilayers, the use of metallic colours and often on black paper, it is not easy to capture a precise representation on photo. Different types of light have been used in the photos shown, to capture a sense of their physical reality. Most pieces are living creations, throughout the day they change in colour and shape. Intriguing the eye. There are ONLY original art pieces, so you will have a truly unique piece.

“If you’re going to do something truly creative, something truly transforming, something truly new. Then you have to step into the unknown. And realize that fundamental knowledge, true knowledge, true creativity does not come from the outside. It doesn’t come from replicating from what you saw, because then you just doing what everybody is doing. It comes from inside. True knowledge comes from within.”

— Physicist Nassim Haramein