Additional Bonuses Include

  • Free Heart-felt Coaching Support with 1 Live Zoom call & mail contact during your healing trajectory. We'll explore your journey in-depth, so we can effectively achieve desired results.

  • Receive a in-depth handout on how to cleanse and support your physical body.

Be ready to be able to receive

  • Cultivation for your body and all its subsequent energy bodies to be into perfect harmony.

  • Balance and advance your DNA and RNA signalling.

  • Eradicate illness, including those resistant to conventional treatments.

  • Restoration of your Past Life Memories and Heal Karma.

  • Increasing your Light Cultivation for Greater Ascension.

  • A barrier of protection for yourself and synergistic alignment to the cosmic forces.

  • Greater heart coherence.

Working With Me

  • You can truly change your life, and get help. 

  • I am committed to serving those who are ready and willing to create the life they've been waiting for.

  • The most rapid change comes from one-on-one healing. No big groups, just you, me, and your intentions. With my 6 session trajectory, you can book the sessions within a 6 month period, with a minimum of 1-session per month, and I will guide you to a life of ease and flow.

  • Please select your first session to get started.